CkptContainer.h File Reference

#include <memory>
#include <saAis.h>
#include <saCkpt.h>
#include "CkptObject.h"
#include "CkptRawDAO.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  CkptContainer
 Generic container for CkptObject. More...
class  CkptSimpleContainer< T >
 Templated container for typesafe access to objects stored in CKPT. More...


enum  CkptRetentionPolicy { CKPT_RETAIN, CKPT_RELEASE }
 A policy indicating the behavior of a checkpoint once there are no containers referencing it on this node. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum CkptRetentionPolicy

A policy indicating the behavior of a checkpoint once there are no containers referencing it on this node.

CKPT_RETAIN  Retain the CKPT replica on this node until the policy changes, regardless of references.
CKPT_RELEASE  Release the CKPT replica on this node when there are no references.

Definition at line 14 of file CkptContainer.h.

Generated on Fri Apr 27 17:20:01 2007 for aiscoal by  doxygen 1.5.2