CkptRawDAO.h File Reference

#include "CkptDAO.h"
#include "CkptByteArray.h"

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class  RawOutputDAO
 An Output DAO that writes data in a raw binary format. More...
class  RawInputDAO
 An Input DAO that reads data in a raw binary format. More...
class  RawDAOFactory
 Concrete factory type used to create Raw input and output interfaces. More...


#define PROCESS_INPUT_PRIM(Prim, AccessFunc)

Define Documentation

#define PROCESS_INPUT_PRIM ( Prim,
AccessFunc   ) 


virtual void processPrim(Prim &t) { \
    t = bArray->AccessFunc(); \

Definition at line 61 of file CkptRawDAO.h.

#define PROCESS_OUTPUT_PRIM ( Prim   ) 


virtual void processPrim(Prim &t) { \
    bArray.write(t); \

Definition at line 15 of file CkptRawDAO.h.

Generated on Fri Apr 27 17:20:01 2007 for aiscoal by  doxygen 1.5.2